We have some fantastic news for all of you with interactive whiteboards (IWBs). We are about to launch our first interactive title. IWBs are an exciting new teaching tool and so easy to use. Cheryl Burgemeister, a primary music teacher from South Australia, has been busy creating exciting IWB adaptations of our ‘Music Room’ program. The first one is called ‘The Interactive Music Room – book 1 (beginning primary)’. It has been created with EasiTeach and will be out in Feb 2010. More information on our earlier blog post.
Grappling with new technology is always a headache for authors and publishers alike and we are most grateful for the support the EasiTeach and RM Pacific have given us and have been most fortunate to have IWBs and technicians supplied by the good folk at ‘Well Imagine That!’. There’s nothing these guys don’t know about classroom use of IWBs and we recommend them for hardware software and in-servicing. Check them out at www.wellimaginethat.com.au and tell ’em we sent you.
It’s exciting to see this new and accessible technology becoming a part of classroom music programs. I’ll have lots more to tell you about it next time.
Publisher at Bushfire Press
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