Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Advance Australia Fair (in a singable key)

Advance Australia Fair in a singable keyAdvance Australia Fair

I am sure that most of us who have had to teach our kids the Australian National Anthem have had difficulties getting the key, the sound, the tempo just right. Well we have something for you to inject new interest and excitement into your assembly ..
a fabulous current version of the National Anthem - complete with traditional didgeridu and contemporary electric guitars.
Use the backing track for assemblies!
CD contains 8 tracks, both 1 & 2 verse versions in a SINGABLE key, performed by children, both 1 & 2 verse backing tracks, demos of descant, treble, tuned & untuned percussion & guitar parts plus demo of full ensemble.
CD booklet contains photocopiable lyrics, melody and parts.

For more information and to LISTEN to an excerpt, click here

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